Thankyou for choosing and trusting me as your stylist for Locs! My name is Khylah Ragler. I started my journey as a loctician in 2019 and I am a certificed SisterLocTM Consultant. I specialize in SisterLocs, Microlocs and Traditional Interlocs. I look forward to helping you along your journey and joining you with embracing your locs.


SisterlockTM Consultation 30 minutes @ $75.00
During this session, you and your Consultant will discuss your hair care history, styling preferences and lifestyle to determine if Sisterlocks is right for you. You will also have a cluster of approximately 8-12 "SAMPLE LOCKS"; put in your hair to see if they will hold, check sizes, verify the amount of scalp showing, settling-in time, etc. This consultation is essential for me as your Consultant to ensure you get your Sisterlocks done most suitably; this includes hair assessment and establishing 8-12 test locks behind your ear. Test locs will be in for 2 weeks before your install date.
MicroLoc Consultation 30 minutes @ $75.00
During the consultation i will take a look at your hair and go over the entire process from start to finish. I will also give you the final price for your establishment and answer questions you may have. Please book this service before booking an establishment.
SisterlockTM Establishment Package
$75 Consultation, goes towards final install price
$1250 up to 4 inches ($100 per each additional inch)
Sisterlocks starter kit, includes; Sisterlock starter shampoo, rubber bands, and
Sisterlocks birthday certificate
First follow up retie included in final install price
$250 non-refundable deposit required to book, goes towards final price of the install